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Unibap is nominated in SvD Börsplus for best IPO in 2017 of micro companies in the classes share price growth and quality.
– We are incredibly happy and proud to be nominated. It is a quality statement for our work before, during and after our listing, says Unibap’s CEO Dr. Fredrik Bruhn.
SvD Börsplus IPO Guide distributes prizes to the best stock listings, best advisors and share lists. Prize winners are selected from companies and advisors in the categories share price growth and quality, divided into three size classes (Environmental companies, Small companies and Micro companies).
Exposing the worst and praising the best can raise the awareness in the IPO sector. The SvD Börsplus IPO Guide, due to a rigorous review, can be a public blue light that fires on advisors, listed companies and other players in the direction of higher quality. Therefore, SvD Börsplus IPO Guide shares prices in two branches:
- Price development – Simply price development from IPO and twelve months following. Breakthrough is 12 months after listing or no later than 31 May 2018 for 2017 notes. Objective and simple.
- Quality – A more subjective branch. First of all, we expect quality as the lowest possible number of “Warning Flags”. On the other hand, the jury delivers “gold stars” to worthy nominees. The number of gold stars is decisive, but since “the market is always right”, IPOs are disqualified with unacceptable price developments.
The winners will be annonuced June 4, at an price cermony event in Stockholm, Sweden.