

Bringing Earth-based software to space
Shields your software from the harshness of space
Isolates your app from other spacecraft systems


Based on Linux with wide library of processing tools
Rapid development without space experience
Versatile toolbox for pre-processing and inference


Comprehends and counters the harshness of space
Software-based radiation protection
SEE mitigation with SafetyChip and SafetyBoot

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Unibap SCOS

OS: Ubuntu Server 20.04
Linux kernel: 5.15.32-051532-generic
Linux firmware: 1.220.2~iX10
Unibap core components: 1.3.0
Protobuf: 3.20
Opencv: 4.5.4-2
Rocm: 4.5.2
Tensorflow: 2.7.0
Tensorflow lite: 2.7.0-2
Torch: 1.11.0+cpu
Torchvision: 0.12.0+cpu
Openvino: 2021.4.752
SCOS monitor: 1.1.3
SCOS tools: 1.2.0

Unibap FW

Node: Application development tool for Unibap’s API, and for handling the execution of applications in space
Simulator: Tool for testing applications during development
Ground services: Tools for integrating, delivering and packaging SpaceCloud applications
ARMS: Used to manage application resources, create containers to isolate applications through docker containerization, run multiple containers concurrently, set up store synchronization, etc.
GSIF: Generic sensor interface used to retrieve data from sensors, such as an images
Trigger: A gRPC service for geographical triggering of application functions
Mission data: Packaging service for up and down link of data
